
Showing posts from March, 2012


Lidah Kucing (ini sudah kucoba dan enak) Bahan: 250 gr mentega (bisa dicampur Blue band & Wisjman, biar wangi) 200 gr gula halus 250 gr terigu (segi tiga) 5 btr putih telur 1 sdt Vanili Cara membuat : - kocok mentega dan gula sampai lembut, masukkan putih telur sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus dikocok tanpa henti, matikan mixer masukkan terigu dan vanili aduk rata. - masukkan adonan kedalam plastik segitiga, gunakan spuit lubang bulat diameter lk. 1cm. semprotkan pada loyang yg sudah dioles mentega dan ditabur tepung sepangang lk. 5cm, kasih jarak tiap semprotan. udah dech siap dioven hingga kecoklatan. jadinya kira-kira 2 topleslah............ Lidah Kucing Keju Bahan: 100gr mentega 1 1/2 butir putir telur 1 sdt gula halus 60gr keju edam 70gr tepung terigu 50gr keju parut, utk taburan Cara membuat: 1. campur dan kocok mentega, gula halus, dan keju hingga mengembang, lalu masukkan putih telurnya 2. dengan menggunakan spatula masukkan terigu, aduk rata 3. Masukkan adonan pa...


4 Tips for working from home Do you work from home and have a hard time getting work done? For some of us this is a significant issue.  The week comes and goes and you have nothing to show for i. Well I mean besides more work to get done next week. Soon you end up under a huge workload and find yourself stressing out about how to accomplish it all. It’s easy to do and can happen fast. For this reason we decided to dedicate a post to some of our favorite tips on increasing our work at home productivity. Here they are: Distinguish your work location. This is one of the most popular work at home tips you will find on the net. Heck it seems like it’s on almost every work from home tip list out there, and there is good reason for it. Working for home can be hard enough. Many of us have to train ourselves by separating our work lives from our real lives. You can do this by finding a place in your house which is quite and can be dedicated to your job.  If you can find a whole room...